Purchase Module
Stores Module
Finance Module
Accounts Module
Fixed Assets
Sales & Warehouse
Payroll Module

Leveraging on expertise in delivering custom-built ERP solutions over eleven years, Strabus has now launched a home-grown ERP solution in the Indian market, called Strabus*ERP. Strabus*ERP caters to an Indian clientele and covers the operating and legal requirements peculiar to India. This suite of products already have a prestigious clientele and are recognised for their value in Indian operating conditions, and competes with ERP offerings from other vendors, favourably. To cater to the International market as well, Strabus has, in this product, built a high degree of flexibility in defining the various operating parameters for an enterprise, so that the system behaviour can be 'customised' easily without resorting to extensive programming.

Strabus ERP

Is Conceptualized as a full-fledged ERP Product that is positioned as an optimum solution for companies with both discrete and continuous manufacturing process. It offers dual deployment on the web as well as on client server technologies. It has features such as distributed OLTP, foolproof access privileges and security,authorisation layering using workflow techniques.

Strabus ERP offers a modular design allowing for phased implementation with ease of
upgradation from a core set of modules to full functionality.

A single-point data capture access across modules and locations provides a
seamlessly integrated database.

Data maintained at four levels of hierarchy - Company,Division,Region and Location.
Each company have multiple Divisions,each division multiple Regions and each Region
multiple Locations.Each of these levels can be renamed to suit the user requirement.

Extensive checklists, audit trails with "who" columns and control functions built
into the system in order to generate a high degree of reliability of information generated
from the system.

Easy-to-read and complete documentation,consisting of both technical and user
manuals provided with the application.Design and code made available to the user.

Enables installation at multiple sites and integration of data using E-mail or diskettes.
This enables handling of transaction processing at various units,branch offices,depots,
stock points and integrating company wide information.

Allows user-definable labels for screen items.

Allows entry of similar transactions under separate series to maintain uniqueness
of document serial control e.g.,sales vouchers for product sales, spares and service
support can be entered under separate series although these are all sales transactions.
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